Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Found New Threats on Facebook ! Malicious link spread through Facebook Chat

Hello Friends !

Now a days the new Threat is spreading through Facebook Chat containing Malicious Links contain in it . .

The most rapidly spreading once are :-

1) it will make you reevaluate what you put on your wall after seeing this.:
2) WTF: This AMERICAN guy should be STONED to DEATH for doing this to his GIRLFRIEND: 
3) "OMG: This girl killed herself after her FATHER posted this message on her wall:"

After clicking those links you ll redirect to application and when you click on " allow " the application then the application will access all basic information and chat sessions !! So so you can imagine wat happen next just spread the malscpicious links to ur friends and they are getting traped also . .

The spaming type varing from different spamers they are making new payloads for spreading
You are requestd to inform your friends and family about this “fake rough and malscpicious application’
From being spread to their  

You can recover from this spam by  just removing this from ur application list just follow me to know how..

Goto your privacy seting “ ”  here is the link …

Here you can see the application and just remove by “EDIT SETTING”  from there and safe surf on facebook

Credits : TrickyTrick !


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