Monday, May 2, 2011


How to Remove Facebook Ads

Day by day Facebook is becoming commercial by putting lots of ads in header and footer section of homepage So are you a Frustrated FB user ? Don't worry at all . . Here is the solution for your frustration :)

You might be seeing your Homepage like this

Tip : Don't use any Third Party Facebook Application . . Because of that also you can Face to FB Ads . When you switch to https then it will block unauthorized applications and will ask you to switch to http connection. Better is to use https connection always and never use any unauthorized FB application

Previously if you have used Facebook App and if you are getting Ads then try this

Just follow the steps :-

1) Login to your Facebook account
2) Go to Account >> Account Setting 
3) Under settings tab you can see option of  " Account Security " . Click on " change "
4) Now Tick the first option that is "  Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible "

5) Click on " Save "
6) Now go to your Homepage and check whether still it is showing ads or not !! 

For 50% of the users this should Work.

Thanks :)


  1. Facebook never promotes ads like this. You're getting these because you used some app to beautify your profile.

    I am a FB customer myself and I know how their ads work. It's the most beautiful thing and it's a huge project/service for Facebook itself. They would never mess with this kind of stuff for sure as they know how to use ads on pages/profiles.

    So the one you see is for sure because of some App that you installed on your browser.

    You can talk to FB to know more about advertising with them at

    But YES! HTTPS is more secured for sure! HTTPS provides a combination of the HTTP and SSL protocols, enabling encrypted communication between your computer and a web server. Without it you’re exposed to sniffing attacks on the network.

    But remember, FACEBOOK NEVER puts ads as shown in your picture here. It's completely untrue and false!

  2. Yes you are absolutely right BaBa !!
    when you switch to https then it will ask you to switch to http if you access any unauthorized app .
    I am agree with your Win Registry point too :) Thanks for that!
    and that screenshot is taken bye me only !! chk ur mailbox . i have mailed you latest Screenshot :)
    thanks for comment :)

  3. check latest image with only http -
