Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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With Technology comes Vulnerability

We live in a world where even the toilet flush isn't operated manually, what i mean to say is we are soo much dependent on technology that now it is just impossible to even step a little in backward direction.

But there is a saying "Manual always over-rides"

You might have experienced this in your life too, the manual things tend to be always better in terms of troubleshooting plus it has greater lifetime

You can reap the max benefit if you have both auto+manual like in the bikes with kick-start + ignition start

But the world is tending more towards just auto so there maybe a time when if a problem arises then we would be helpless in solving the issue ourselves.. coz when things are auto they are hard to understand as well as troubleshooting is a pain in the ass.

Anyways before we divert too much out of the topic ..lets revert back
Today is the connectivity world and interoperability is the point of focus for all the recent products , which indirectly means there is somewhere internet connectivity involved with all the electronics product be it your cell-phone, GPS system, even printers today come with email-print function.

Nowadays systems are designed in a fashion that they can understand each other using some sort of database, Most of the equipments are connected via your home's internet that you get the comfort of oeprating all your appliances remotely without you phisically being there or monitoring

Previously hackers used to only hack computers or something that is connected with it. But with the entry of devices called smart-devices which has got internet connection and to some extent are controlled online, Also the smartphones and wat not there is huge plethora of all such devices and Today the world is on the path of convergence ..leading everything to be attached to some common platform for the ease of control and management.

But this can lead to a very dark side.... ALL auto and NO manual is seriously a dangerous condition
As things go more auto.. they turn to be more prone to vulnerability

lets understand the term vulnerability  : its nothing but a loop-hole in a hardware or software that leads the hacker to intrude into the system and take over partially or fully.

Today companies are focusing on more output rather than the quality of their present product.
this is leading to a lot of bugs,loop-holes undiscovered by the company . which if discovered by the hacker can seriously ruin the prestige of company and would also lead to consumer-loss.

The World is getting smaller day by day but remember it's only  gonna leave the  world with expanded vulnerabilities.

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