Monday, April 25, 2011

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Simple Browser to Browser File Transfer

Yes you are right !! Now you can Transfer your files from your web-browser to another web-browser .

Files Over Miles service is built to P2P file transfer capability ! When we will use this service then there will be no need of intermediate server , that means your files will directly get transfer from your browser to Receivers Browser. One more Best thing in this is you can set Password to file which you are sending ! Download will start after entering correct Password only :) 

Just follow the simple steps :-

2) Say "Browse" and select file which you want to send
3) Now share that URL with your Friend ( to whom you want to send )
4) If you want extra protection then you can provide "Password"
5) When receiver will start downloading then File will be loaded into senders memory 
6) Important Note : Senders Browser must remain open during entire file transfer )
7) Now download will start, receiver can save that file into his/her local drive

But there are some Limitations of using this service like -

1) As they are using UDP ( User Datagram Packets ) packets , so it will not work if either ( sender/receiver ) is behind a firewall that blocks UDP packet.
2) Sent file can be as large as senders RAM (if your RAM is 512 MB then you can send upto 512 MB file)
3) Receiver can receive files that are smaller the half of its RAM (512 MB RAM means he can download upto  255 MB ) 

Features of Files Over Miles include:
  • High Speed
  • Ability to send large files
  • Encryption (128 bit AES) 
  • Works with any browser with Adobe Flash Player 10.
Currently Files Over Miles is Beta version ! In next stage they are planning to includes a BitTorrent-like protocol that distributes the upstream load on the uploaded, allowing the file to be shared faster ! 

Thanks ;)


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