Sunday, July 24, 2011

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11 social web statistics you didn’t know

Each of us recognizes that the Internet and the social Web is growing quickly. However, it can be difficult to put this rapid growth into perspective. Sometimes you have to take a set back and look at some of the numbers to truly get an understanding of how the social Web has expanded.
The folks over at Pingdom compiled together some great statistics about the Internet’s growth. In case you don’t have time to look through their entire list, I have selected 11 stats that demonstrate the current state of the social Web.
  • # In 2010, 107 trillion emails were sent on the Internet.
  • # At the current rate 36 billion photos will be uploaded to Facebook each year.
  • # Each day 2 billion videos are watched on YouTube.
  • # Each month 30 billion pieces of content (links, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook.
  • # In 2010, users sent 25 billion tweets.
  • # Worldwide there are 1.97 billion Internet users.
  • # At the end of 2010, there were 88.8 million – .COM domain names registered.
  • # As of December 2010, there were 255 million websites.
  • # Worldwide, there are 2.9 billion email accounts.
  • # The average Internet user watched 186 online videos per month (USA).
  • # Every minute 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Now Google+ is available for iPhone

Google has finally released the Google+ or Google Plus app for Apple iPhone. This new Google Plus app is compatible with Apple iPhone running iOS 4.0 and higher.

It is bit surprising as the app doesn’t include the support for iPod touch devices. At this moment, there’s no iPad specific Google Plus app but the users can use the service via web app. The iPhone 4/3GS/3G owners can download the Google+ app from the App Store or can visit here.
Google had already released the Google Plus App for Android devices on the same day when the social networking service was announced. The new Google Plus app is meant for and will work only with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 devices running iOS 4.0 or higher update.
The interface of the app is clean and very similar to its desktop version. The timeline appears like Facebook news feed or Twitter timeline with number of comments and the +1 clicks. The stream view needs to be pull down to refresh it and load new updates.
Google Plus App is also capable of click and upload feature which is similar to the one on the Android version of the app. Apparently the group chat Huddles is part of the same app on iOS instead of being a separate shortcut like for Android platform. Huddles also bring the Push Notifications where in user receives it every time anyone sends a message in Huddle.
Once Apple releases iOS 5.0 for all devices, the Google Plus app should ideally get an update to support the new notifications system. Hopefully that update would bring the Hangout option for the mobile devices or at least the iPad specific Google Plus should have the Hangout feature with a limit to add about 4-5 people at the same time. Also it will compete with the much rumored Facebook app for iPad.
Do note that the Google Plus social network is available only to users with age 18 and higher.
Enjoy Google+ on iPhone :)
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

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Google+ Cheat Sheet

The Google+ is like a Twitter/Facebook hybrid with positive features taken from both and given a Google's trademark punch which gives it a great interface and social media sense that really made sharing on the web feel like sharing in real life. Google+ Project aims at Real-life sharing and a rethought for the web. Go take a tour here for a quick demo of the Google+ Project. 

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

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Google+ is about to hit 10 Million Users !!

Google’s social network, Google+, might be one of the fastest-growing networks ever, having already reached 10 million users according to one estimate.

Paul Allen, of — not to be confused with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen — has developed an interesting methodology to calculate the number of Google+ members.
He sampled a number of surnames from the U.S. Census Bureau data and compared it to surnames of Google+ users. By comparing surname popularity in the U.S. with the number of users on Google+ with each surname, he can guesstimate the percentage of the U.S. population that signed up for Google+. Finally, he calculated a ratio of U.S. to non-U.S. users to generate an estimate for the number of Google+ users worldwide.
The result? Google+ has approximately 9.5 million users worldwide, with 2.2 million joining in the past 32 to 34 hours, according to Allen’s estimates.
This is amazing growth even for a giant such as Google: We cannot remember any social network reaching so many members so quickly after its release.
Coming from a third party, the data is obviously unofficial (we asked Google for comment on these numbers, but haven’t heard from them) and should be taken with a grain of salt. If they’re true, though, they indicate that — after so many stumbles — Google might finally be conquering the social networking arena.
Source : Mashable
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Friday, July 8, 2011

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Facebook Population

Population of Facebook is increasing at rapid rate !! Just have look at Facebook Population  

If Facebook was a country, it would be the 3rd largest in the world! 

If Facebook actually did become a country, who do you think would be the President ?

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Facebook Launched " Video Chat "

The most awaiting Facebook video chat is now open for all !! 

Here are the simple steps to install or to begin with Facebook Video Chat :

1) Visit : Facebook Video Chat

2) Click on "Get Started"

3) It will start downloading Facebook video chat exe file !! Let the download finish 

4) Install that and you are done !! Just click the call button at the top of your friend's profile or chat window or you call call using chat window also — no need to launch new software.

Enjoy the Facebook Video chat !! 

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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Facebook set to launch something " Awesome "

Facebook, the king of social networking sites is all set to launch something new in facebook which has not been disclosed yet . This suspicious launch is about to take place this coming week . The founder of the giant Facebook, Mark zukerberg told the reporters about this launch stating they are all set to launch something awesome this week. 
Facebook, the world's largest Internet social network with more than 500 million users, is increasingly challenging established online companies like Google Inc and Yahoo Inc for consumers' time online and for advertising dollars.

According to the company, people that use Facebook on mobile devices are twice as active on the service than users on PCs. This may perhaps give some indication that the the new launch of something awesome may be gift for mobile users from the Facebook. It may also be the counter attack to the service launched by the Big G , "Google+" .
There is no more further information available about this launch as the officials have denied making any comments on the founder's statement . Recently, Facebook had launched Facial Recognition Service , which did not prove successful to entertain more users.
For now, Facebook is happy after launching Facebook app for Apple Inc's iPad and a specialized app for photo-sharing on the iPhone.
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Friday, July 1, 2011


How to Invite your Friends to Google+

Hey hi . .

All of you must have got Google+ invitations from your friends :)
I will explain how you can invite your friends to Google+ as there is no Invite button available on Google+

Basically there are Two methods available to invite !!  I will explain simplest one ;)

Just follow the simple steps :-

1) Log in to your Google+ account

2) Go to Circles and create new circle called as " Invitation " ( You can give any name to that circle )

3) Add email addresses of friends to whom you are going to Invite to Google+ and then click on Save

4) Come to your Home page and write anything into Stream and below that you can see " Add circles or people to share with " . Click on that and click on circle in which we have added email address of friends . . In my case it is " Invitation "

5) Just click on Share :) They will get Google+ invitations :)

6) You are done !!

Another method is you can import your Gmail and Facebook contacts to Yahoo address book and directly invite to those yahoo contacts  !! But that one is little time taking method !

If still you have not received Google+ Invitation then just mention your email ID in comment ! I will invite you .

Thanks :)
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