Thursday, October 13, 2011

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Dennis Ritchie, father of C programming language no more !!

Dennis Ritchie, an internationally renowned computer scientist who created the C programming language, has died at age 70.
Ritchie died at his home over the weekend, according to a Google+ post from longtime colleague Rob Pike. His Wikipedia entry was updated to say he had died in Murray Hill, N.J.
His death was confirmed today by Bell Labs, in a message from its president, Jeong Kim, to employees. That message reads, in part

Dennis was well loved by his colleagues at Bell Labs, and will be greatly missed. He was truly an inspiration to all of us, not just for his many accomplishments, but because of who he was as a friend, an inventor, and a humble and gracious man.

Ritchie had the lifestyle and habits to match his position as an early guru of IT. Long-haired and bearded, and famously more owl than lark, he started work at midday in his industry-standard chaotic office, emerging late in the evening to go home and carry on working through to the small hours at the end of a leased line connected to the Bell Labs computers....His ideas live on, in the rudest of health, at the centre of modern operating system design, in new programming languages, and in every electron and bit of open systems.

Source : CNET

Thanks :)


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