Wednesday, December 28, 2011

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The first computer hard disk drive weighed over a ton and had only 5 MB of storage capacity

Amazingly, the first computer hard disk distributed by IBM in 1956 weighed over a ton with only 5 MB of storage capacity. A hard disk today comes with 2 TB of storage and the weight is measured in grams. Here is the evolution of computer hard disk drives from 1956 to present days.
1956, 5 MB

Just imagine, you’d need 6,554 hard disks like this one above to match your iPhone’s storage of 32 GB. Thankfully, storage technology improved over time.

1979, 250 MB

1980, 2.5 GB

1980 – 2011, from 2.5 GB to 2 TB

Thanks :)

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

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This picture disappears when you focus on it

If you focus on the picture, it will disappear. Don’t blink or move your eyes when you focus.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

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Merry Christmas to all Tech Insect Readers !!

Christmas is not a time nor a season, But a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all Tech Insect Readers .. Thanks for being with us :)

Enjoy the day :) 

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Thursday, December 22, 2011


What happens on the Internet every 60 seconds !!

Let's say that it takes you exactly one minute to read through this post. In that time, over 6,600 photos will be uploaded to Flickr, about 70 new domains will be registered, over 1,200 new ads will be created on Craigslist, and more. Here's what happens on the Internet every 60 seconds.
Now keep in mind that the data below and the infographic above come from the Shanghai Web Designers team. We have done our best to confirm that the statistics provided line up with known data, but you should still take everything with a hefty serving of salt.
That disclaimer aside and without further ado, here's what's happening each minute:
  • Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries
  • 6,600+ pictures are uploaded to Flickr
  • 600 videos are uploaded to YouTube, amounting to 25+ hours of content
  • 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on social networking site Facebook
  • 70 new domains are registered
  • 168,000,000+ emails are sent
  • 320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on social networking site Twitter
  • iPhone applications are downloaded more than 13,000 times
  • 20,000 new posts are published on micro-blogging platform Tumblr
  • Popular web browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1,700 times
  • Popular blogging platform WordPress is downloaded more than 50 times
  • WordPress Plugins are downloaded more than 125 times
  • 100 accounts are created on professional networking site LinkedIn
  • 40 new questions are asked on
  • 100+ questions are asked on
  • 1 new article is published on Associated Content, the world’s largest source of community-created content
  • 1 new definition is added on
  • 1,200+ new ads are created on Craigslist
  • 370,000+ minutes of voice calls done by Skype users
  • 13,000+ hours of music streaming is done by personalized Internet radio provider Pandora
  • 1,600+ reads are made on Scribd, the largest social reading publishing company

Impressive? Scary? Overwhelming? We're not sure. But we do know that a lot happened in the few moments it took to look at this blog post — so you better rush to catch up.
Thanks :)
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

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New Social Network : Zurker !!

In the beginning, nobody questioned the social networks. They were a great way of keeping in touch with friends and making new ones.

Eventually, concerns started to mount, and new social network applications started popping up, promising users that they would "own their data."
At Zurker, they have taken things a bit further. You don't just own your data, you own the network. Every Zurker user becomes a co-owner (future shareholder) of Zurker.
Why is this cool?

Wanna join Zuker ? ? Here is the Invite for you :) You are lucky enough to access its first Alpha release :) Click on Image Below . . 

Zurker is a third-generation social app released into private alpha testing in December, 2011. It's special because it's owned by its members. This unusual DNA will help Zurker develop the best social app available, which in turn will propel Zurker to becoming the dominant social network in the coming decade (and beyond).

Zurker is a member-owned application.

This means Zurker isn't owned by a select few venture capitalists who stand to make billions and billions. There is nothing wrong with the idea of venture capitalists making billions from tech investments, but in the case of a social network, the priorities get skewed.
If social networks are owned by VC's and investment banks (such as Goldman Sachs) and other investors looking purely for profit, they gradually become orientated towards one thing and one thing only: making money. How do we mine more data from the users? How do we monetize their every action? How do we get them addicted to paid apps which improve the bottom line?
It's not a bad thing for a social network to make money, but if squeezing every last penny from the user base is the abiding concern, the users aren't going to get the best possible product.

Zurker is driven by democracy.

The traditional way for social networks to innovate has been top-down all the way. A small group of engineers make key decisions about what features should be made available. Sometimes, brilliant innovators (such as Steve Jobs) can come up with mind-blowing applications nobody knew they wanted.
But in many cases, the changes are driven by mundane things such as corporate politics, and the users are forced to adapt to changes because they have no choice.
At Zurker, they believe that if our members own the project, they will enthusiastically contribute ideas and feedback, allowing the Zurker development team to develop the social application most in tune with what people actually want.

Zurker is owned by you.

There are dozens if not hundreds of social applications on the web. All of them want your time, and most of them want you to help them grow by referring your friends. But why should you? The only people who benefit when those apps grow are the founders and their investors. They stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars each if their product takes off, so it's no wonder they keep pressuring you to help them grow.
At Zurker, you are a co-owner and an investor. You can earn V-shares by referring your friends. The more friends you invite, the more equity you earn. Zurker becomes better, and better, as more people join, increasing in value. As Zurker becomes more valuable, your stake becomes more valuable.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Change Look of your Facebook Login Page

Yes now it's possible to change Boaring login page of Facebook to something awesome one :) We need some change in that !!

So this is the change to your login View !! This is how your login page will look like :)

Limitation of this trick is that only Chrome users can do it :) Sorry Firefox Users :(

Just follow the simple steps :

1. Go to Chrome Web Store

2. Search for " FB Refresh " in search box

3. Say "Add To Chrome" ( it will get installed automatically )

4. Go to Settings >> Tools >> Extensions

5. In front of FB Refresh Extension click on "Options" menu.

6. Put URL of image which you want as a background for Facebook Login page

You are Done !! Log out from your Facebook account and now see login page !!

Thanks :)

( I always suggest people not to use Apps, Plug-ins and Extensions. Use it at your own risk !! )

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Difference between Aakash Tablet and UbiSlate 7 Tablet (Aakash-2)

Here is a quick comparison between Aakash tablet and UbiSlate 7 tablet (Aakash-2).

Also have a look at the Aakash tablet’s comparison with magnum pepper tablet (another most cheap tablet PC).

Microprocessor (Aakash vs UbiSlate 7 Tablet Comparison)

Aakash Tablet has the processor Arm11 – 366Mhz while its upgraded version UbiSlate 7 tablet has Cortex A8 – 700 Mhz processor.


As far as comparison between Aakash tablet and UbiSlate tablet battery is concerned, Aakash tablet has the 2100 mAh battery whereas UbiSlate 7 tablet has 3200 mAh battery.

Operating System (OS)

Both tablets viz student model Aakash tablet as well as upgraded version retail model UbiSlate 7 tablet are based on Google’s Android operating system. However, Aakash tablet is based on Android 2.2 Froyo OS while UbiSlate 7 tablet is based on Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

Network, SIM, Web and Internet Connectivity (WiFi, GPRS, SIM)

If we see the comparison between Aakash tablet and UbiSlate tablet on network and web connectivity, subsidised student’s model Aakash tablet has WiFi for web access. The upgraded UbiSlate 7 tablet, however, has WiFi as well as GPRS both for web access. UbiSlate 7 Tablet also has a SIM and mobile phone functionality.

3G Connectivity (Aakash vs UbiSlate 7 Tablet Comparison)

The upgraded retail model UbiSlate 7 tablet is expected to have 3G connectivity via an external 3G dongle.

Front Facing Camera

UbiSlate 7 tablet model is expected to have a front facing camera as well for video chat which is missing in basic students model Aakash tablet.

Screen and RAM Size

Though there is not much clarity on this, it is however, expected that screen as well as RAM in upgraded UbiSlate 7 tablet model is expected to be better than Aakash tablet.

Pricing Comparison between Aakash Tablet and UbiSlate 7 Tablet)

Aakash tablet is available at a price of Rs 2500 whereas UbiSlate 7 tablet is available at a price of Rs 2999.

Availability /Selling /Retailing

Aakash tablet has been made available for immediate sale online now where as UbiSlate 7 tablet is expected to be available by end-January 2012.

If you want to order Aakash or UbiSlate then order it today !! 

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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Facebook Timeline Cover Photo Creative Ideas

Previously launched beta version of Facebook Timeline is now available to every user !! I was lucky enough to use it's Beta version too !!

Some of you might have got new Facebook timeline !! If not then it will get activated soon for your profile too !! 

Here i am sharing some awesome Cover Photo ideas for Facebook Timeline !!

I hope you like some Ideas ! If you love it then share the post and create something awesome for your profile :)

Thanks :)

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

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5 Hottest Security Jobs in 2012

Information security is one of those rare fields - it has more job openings than people to fill them., the largest IT job site, confirms this job growth and indicates a 79 percent increase in the total number of information security jobs posted on the site from September 2009 to September 2011.

Based on a review of job postings, here are the five hottest jobs for information security pros in 2012:


Security Analyst

Employers have posted 42 percent more security analyst jobs on Dice in September 2011 than in 2010. This is no surprise, especially when employment among information security analysts soared by 16 percent this year during the second quarter, with the Bureau of Labor reporting no unemployment during the first two quarters of 2011.
John Reed, executive director at Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing firm, attributes the high growth to organizations becoming more security aware in light of cyber crimes, and needing hands-on IT security folks to uncover new vulnerabilities in order to keep their environment secure.
"These are individuals on the front lines of security, fighting the fight everyday, and as such are critical for organizations to have," he says.
BLS defines information security analysts as those who plan, implement, upgrade or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information. Information security analysts may ensure appropriate security controls are in place that will safeguard digital files and vital electronic infrastructure, as well as respond to computer security breaches and viruses.

Average Salary: $84,000 for a security analyst position.

Who's Hiring: Demand is high with federal government, state agencies, defense contractors and healthcare organizations.


Security Architect

Forty percent more jobs are posted on Dice this year. The move to mobile, wireless and cloud services by organizations has created a huge demand for this position, says Mano Paul, (ISC)2 software assurance adviser. These services are pushing the need for a "new breed of architects and business- savvy leaders who understand business requirements, and can translate them into functional specifications without compromising on the assurance aspects," he says. defines a security architect as a professional who designs systems, databases, infrastructure and networks to be secure. They provide information security solutions to the architecture of an enterprise ensuring the security of business information at every point.

Average Salary: $120,000 for a security architect position.

Who's Hiring: Large financial institutions, healthcare organizations, technology companies and cloud providers.


Application Security

Thirty-three percent more jobs are posted on Dice in application security this year. The increased focus on customer-facing technologies, use of mobile applications, need for secure software and products within organizations and transitions to electronic health records have led to the demand for these jobs.
"High incidences of application attacks, data breaches and applications that are conduits to the data, combined with surge in tech businesses, is pushing growth for qualified professionals," Paul says.
The Open Web Application Security Project, a not-for-profit organization focused on improving the security of application software, defines application security professionals as those that use software and security methods to protect applications from external threats and vulnerabilities. They are largely involved in building security measures into an application's life cycle including design, development, deployment, upgrade or maintenance.

Average Salary: $93,000 for an application security position.

Who's Hiring: Online companies, technology firms, cloud providers and security vendors.


Security Engineer

Employers have posted 27 percent more security engineer jobs on Dice this year. This field is hot because the role is broad and covers areas from penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, programming, designing systems to testing software. "It's not like a painting on the wall that you hang up and it's done. Organizations need constant assessment of their risk and vulnerabilities, and therefore require such breadth of expertise," Reed says.

BLS defines security engineers as those who securely design, develop, test and evaluate computer applications and system software. Although programmers write and support programs in new languages, much of the design, security and development are the responsibility of security engineers. They also focus in developing algorithms, and analyzing and solving programming problems for specific network systems.

Average Salary: $94,000 for a security engineer position.

Who's Hiring: This position is in demand in all sectors, including government, healthcare, finance, in addition to online and technology companies.


Network Security

Twenty-five percent more jobs are posted on Dice within network security this year. Of the 100 jobs that make Money magazine's and's list, network security was ranked number eight last year as one of the most desirable job positions, carrying an annualized 10-year forecast growth of 27 percent.
"Network security continues to be a pain point for companies," says Alice Hill, managing director of She finds that organizations continue to prioritize investing in these professionals to protect critical infrastructure and keep their technology platforms safe from ongoing cyber threats like malware and hacking. Further, she says that the growing use of sophisticated computer networks, including Internet and intranet sites, and the need for faster, more efficient networking products, are increasing the demand for these professionals.
BLS defines network security as those who design and evaluate network systems, such as local area networks, wide area networks and Internet systems. They perform network modeling, analysis, and planning, that deals with the interfacing of computer and communications equipment. Their primary focus is in protecting the computer systems in the network from unwanted intrusions, misuse, access or modifications.

Average Salary: $93,000 for a network security engineer position.

Who's Hiring: An increased demand is coming from government agencies, healthcare organizations, consulting companies and defense contractors.

Thanks :)

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Monday, December 12, 2011


Order Aakash Tablet Online Now !!!

Now you can order your Own Aakash Tablet online . . It will be deliver within 1 week and you have to pay cash on delivery :)

Order your Aakash tablet now, and pre-book your Ubislate7 (the upgraded version of Aakash) today! Aakash tablet can be ordered now (cash on delivery) and the delivery will be done in a week’s time. 

To order Aakash Tablet : Order Aakash Tablet 

Thanks :)

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

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Kapil Sibal warns websites; Google says won’t remove material just because it’s controversial

NEW DELHI: Amid the raging controversy over content regulation online, Internet search giant Google India today said it complies with the law of the land but will not remove any material just because it is controversial. 

We work really hard to make sure that people have as much access to information as possible, while also following the law. This means that when content is illegal, we abide by local law and take it. 

"And even where content is legal but breaks or violates our own terms and conditions we take that down too, once we have been notified about it," a Google spokesperson said. "But when content is legal and does not violate our policies, we will not remove it just because it is controversial, as we believe that people's differing views, so long as they are legal, should be respected and protected," the spokesperson added. 

Telecom minister Kapil Sibal today asked social websites like Google and Facebook to ensure that uploading of derogatory material online is stopped. 

He said the government does not want to interfere but if social networking sites are not willing to cooperate, "then it is the duty of the government to think of steps that we need". 

The government has met the officials from Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo over last few weeks after offensive materials, particularly against Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, were put on the Internet. 

Search engine giant Yahoo! refused to comment on the views of the minister, while Microsoft officials were not available for comments. 

Social networking site Facebook, which has more than 25 million users in the country, has said it will remove any content that is hateful, threatening and incites "violence" or contains nudity off the service.

Source : Times Of India 

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Friday, December 2, 2011

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Facebook to Open Engineering Office in New York City in 2012

NEW YORK – December 2, 2011 – To keep up with its rapid growth, Facebook today announced plans to establish an engineering presence in New York City and tap into the remarkable technical talent that the region has to offer. The Facebook NYC engineering office, the company’s first outside the West Coast, will open in early 2012 and will begin accepting applications immediately.

“More than 800 million people around the world rely on Facebook, and more than half of them visit every day. Operating at such a large scale, and innovating as quickly as we do, we need to recruit the most talented engineers in the world,” said Mike Schroepfer, Facebook’s Vice President of Engineering. “New York has a strong history of innovation and is home to thousands of talented technical people, and we want them to help us solve the challenges of designing and building the next generation of Facebook,” he added.

“Building an engineering presence outside the West Coast is a big step for us, one we would take only if we found the right combination of talent and community support,” said Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. “We’re particularly grateful for the encouragement and assistance of New York’s elected leaders, who understand what it takes to build a climate where technology can fuel economic growth and the creation of high skilled jobs,” she added.

“Facebook is capitalizing on what more and more tech companies are realizing: that New York City is the best place in the world to recruit and retain a talented workforce,” said Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. “The growth in the tech sector is creating jobs and further diversifying our economy. That’s why we are invested in expanding our engineering workforce by building a new applied sciences school in the city. We want to do everything we can to make sure that Facebook can grow here, and that the next Facebook will be founded here.”

“New York is pleased to call Facebook a ‘friend’ and welcomes their decision to expand by hiring engineers who will help to continue fueling innovation in the greatest city in the world,” said U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer. “There is so much to like about Facebook’s decision to grow in New York, most importantly is the fact that as the largest city in America, New York can offer up the greatest and most diverse talent pool in the country to the most successful social media company in the world.”

“Facebook has been at the forefront of social media innovation and its engineering presence here will create jobs and help position New York City to lead in the high-tech economy of the future,” said U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “Our city is home to some of the world’s brightest minds and best ideas to grow our economy. And we must continue to cultivate our city’s talent pool and businesses to become tomorrow’s innovators.”

“I'm thrilled to welcome Facebook's new engineering team to the East Side – and to the superb web talent pool of New York City,” said U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

“Under Governor Cuomo’s leadership, world-renowned companies like Facebook are once again seeing New York as a premier place to grow and invest,” said Kenneth Adams, President, CEO, and Commissioner at Empire State Development. “I thank Facebook for their commitment to New York and welcome them as another innovative partner to help grow our economy.”

The office will be led by Serkan Piantino, an engineering manager at Facebook who previously managed the engineering team behind Facebook’s News Feed and built the infrastructure behind Timeline. He currently manages the engineering teams that power Facebook Messages and Chat. Serkan holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. Originally from Connecticut, Serkan joined Facebook in Palo Alto in 2007 and moved back to New York for Facebook in the summer of 2010. Jay Parikh, who oversees Facebook’s infrastructure team, will serve as the executive sponsor for the new office.

Potential applicants for the Facebook engineering team in NYC can review the first listing of available positions at Others interested in receiving updates on the developments at the office can like the Facebook Page for NYC Engineering at

Credits : Facebook Official Blog

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