Friday, October 12, 2012

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5 Tips for Enhancing Cloud Computing Safety

There is definitely no reason why public cloud storage system wont be as secure and robust as on-premise system. Actually, majority of public cloud storage systems are much more secure and impregnable than traditional data centers. For example, many public cloud storage systems provide full encryption services for both in-flight and at rest data. So what is the reason that so many companies are still not sure about the efficacy of cloud as a secure storage system? Well, maybe they are still not sure about the safety of their data or applications on public cloud storage system. 

We are listing few steps that will help you in understanding and ensuring complete cloud computing security. 

1. Understand your needs 

Though many companies understand the security needs for implementing a safe and secure public cloud storage solution, but they have misinformed notions about legal or compliance issues regarding the government and corporate data, as some of them assume that it is against the law to store some type of data on a public cloud storage system. 

Few items that should be reviewed in detail include any rules or regulations that may require compliance. Aside from that, it is also important to evaluate the internal policies of the company regarding the data protection, including evaluation of risks. All these processes and policies should be duly debated, and approved by the management so that everything is clear and well understood. 
 2. Create a plan

In most of the cases, security is added only during the final stages of deployment. This is not a right solution, and any approach to security for cloud requires a solid master security plan that should utilize the requirements listed in step 1. However, it should be kept in mind that security to cloud computing is systematic and should be part of every step in the plan. 

It is important to evaluate actual security solutions including technology, such as cloud-based security, Ping Identity for a pure, including traditional enterprise security solutions. 
 3. Consider identity-based security 

The best way to ensure cloud computing security is to evaluate all assets, including servers, data, humans and processes, as identities that can be easily managed in terms of access to the actual resources. This approach is also termed as identity-based security and considers that all resources in a system have identity, which should be validated by a virtual machine and central security system. 

4. Choose appropriate security technology 

Depending upon your requirements, you should choose few promising technologies that might work for you. However, it is necessary to test them thoroughly before implementation. Sometimes IT managers take cloud services providers by words, which is not a right approach. 

Before the actual deployment of security technology, it is important that you address all issues. Some of them are: 

•Cost of deployment
•Performance of security system
•Administrative procedures
•Interface compatibility with all the connected systems
•Ability to address all security concerns, including regulations

5. Deploy, test, and monitor 

Once you have selected the right technology, you should deploy it. It is important that you integrate the security into the life cycle of cloud based storage system. Many companies offer white hatpenetration testing, and with just few weeks of that service, you will know how your security system works, and whether you need some additional configuration. 

Lastly, it is very important to keep an eye on how your security system is performing during runtime. This would mean testing the systems efficacy by making few hacking attempts. 

Well, these are all easy steps and would not take much of you time. Now it is going to be tough for the detractors of public cloud storage systems to defend their position. With these steps, you can easily make your cloud based storage system more secure than anything that you currently have in your data center. 

About the Author:
Victor Daily is a blogger interested in technology and social media with plenty of experience. He currently focuses on cloud computing and VPS Hosting


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