Thursday, December 20, 2012

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How To Control your Mouse by your Eyes

Hey Friends,

Now a days , We do almost 80% of our work on Computer by using MouseHowever sometimes you might get bored of using it, special while talking about programmers.They often use Mouse.

Now guess what ,you can control your mouse pointer by tracking your face or eyes. There are some free software available on the internet which allows you to control your mouse through face/eyes. Now you also can increase your productivity by simply moving your head to control your computer with these ergonomic mouse alternatives.
# Camera Mouse #
Control Mouse with Head and Eyes

Camera Mouse is a free program that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer just by moving your head. Clicking can be done by making the mouse pointer dwell over a spot on the screen.  

This program is available for free download.

HeadMouse 2 #
Control Mouse with Head, Face Actions
HeadMouse2 is also free program which allows you to control Mouse by tracking your Head. You can also track your mouse with any action perform by hand or head.

I personally use this software because this software gives me full control on my PC .This program is also available for free download.



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