Monday, July 8, 2013

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Web hosting for small business

If you’re running a small business you pretty much know that you have to be online, regardless of the exact type of the endeavor that you have undertaken. However, while some businesses might need strong online presence solely for the purposes of marketing and familiarizing the public with the company, other might have greater demands. Choice of the most appropriate hosting type for your business will depend on the resources that your site needs, the freedom that you require with server settings and, naturally, your budget. We will provide you with a short overview of the three most popular hosting types and let you decide which one would be the most appropriate for your business.

Shared hosting

This type of hosting is the cheapest one, but also the one that gives you the least freedom and resources. While taking advantage of shared hosting services, you are sharing a server with a, usually large, number of other websites. The resources of the server are shared equally by all of the sites on that server, which is to say that if the demands of one of the sites suddenly spike, you might find yourself with insufficient resources to run your website. Likewise, you are not allowed to change server settings and use just any script that you might want to. This kind of hosting is most suitable for businesses that don’t necessarily require perfect reliability, consistent speeds and don’t have a lot of multimedia on their sites. This is to say that if you only have a couple of low demanding pages and don’t have to support too many traffic, but just need a place where people can find you online, shared hosting might be sufficient for you.

Virtual private server hosting

This type is a step between shared and dedicated server hosting. You are sharing the resources of the server with other sites, but you are allocated a fixed portion of the total computing power, bandwidth and other resources, so the behavior of other websites doesn’t affect you in any way. You are also usually given more freedom with server settings and scripts, but this will depend on your particular plan. Even though it is more expensive than shared hosting, VPS hosting is the most scalable type of hosting out there, which might end up saving you money. You can change your plan as your requirements change, and easily make the transition. This is ideal for sites that expect growth, but would like to start small for budgeting reasons, as well as those that have a fair deal of traffic but couldn’t really justify the costs of paying for a dedicated server.

Dedicated hosting

The most expensive and, naturally, the most versatile and powerful hosting type. You have all the resources of the server just for yourself and complete freedom to do whatever you like when server settings are concerned. If you have huge traffic, a lot of audio of video material which is draining on the resources, do a large amount of different transactions, and need great speed and reliability, you might want to think about dedicated hosting. This type also comes with the best support, which might be critical for high scale operations.

About Writer : Ella Zeen is writer and explorer of internet and newest trends in technology. Currently interested in VPS hosting and solutions for small busineses


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