Saturday, August 10, 2013

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Do You Need Anti-virus Software for Your New iPad?

I get asked this question all the time actually. People who have recently purchased an iPad for themselves are rightfully aware that it's a significant investment and certainly don't want to see their expensive device fall prey to viruses or other forms of malware which could render these devices inoperable or compromise the security of their data. But do you really need anti-virus software on your iPad in order to ensure your device's safety?

No, Says Apple

Many anti-virus software companies have asked Apple personally, to open its iOS platform so that anti-virus programs could be designed for it but Apple has resisted. It says about its own product, that no anti-virus software should be necessary. Apple regularly sites the strict process for having apps approved for download in its App Store as one major way it has protected its mobile operating system from the risk of viruses. Indeed, the less stringent app standards for the Android platform have certainly made it more at risk of virus attack. This is impossible to deny.

But Less is Not Never

Apple's primary argument for the lack of virus protection on the iPad is that if you are using the iPad as is originally intended and downloading software and apps only through approved services then you should be protected against any risk of infection. This is a pretty solid point and it makes a certain amount of sense. However, it is foolish for Apple to say that this will never happen. iOS devices might be safe for the time being, but hackers are industrious individuals and if they try hard enough, they could certainly find ways to exploit the iOS and eventually infect these systems with viruses. There have already been several attempted hackings of the iOS system so we know that hackers and virus programmers are already on the move.

Apple has designed an extremely user-friendly and secure operating system for their mobile devices. As of right now, the risk of infection is minimal. But this does not mean that such risk won't increase in the future. As the number of users of iPhones and iPads rises, so too will the motivation of hackers and virus programmers to target these devices with their malicious creations designed to take them down. Currently there is no anti-virus software available for the iPad, however, this could change in the future as the risk of virus infections and hackings increase. You will not miss out when the first anti-virus software for iOS is released however, as it will be major news. 

As always, I recommend that in case the worst does happen to you and you have a compromised iPad in some form, it is a good idea that you are protected with a service such as Protect Your Bubble iPad insurance so that you can be covered if some sort of malicious software makes your device unusable.

About the author:
Laura Ginn is a professional writer and blogger. She writes regularly on the subject of technology and is wedded to her iPad, so you know she's aware of the potential security issues facing these devices!


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