Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Chat with friends using Command Prompt ( CMD )

What ? you don't have internet connection in your labs ? or sites are blocked ?
Don't worry . . here is the solution . . You can chat with your Friends using simple MS Dos Command Prompt

Tools Required :-
1) IP Address of Friend with whom you want to chat
2) MS Dos Command Promp ( just go to Start >> Run >> Type "cmd" . .

Steps :-

1) Open the notepad and copy paste the below code into it ..

2) Save this as "Messenger.bat"
3) Now open the MS Dos Command Promp ( just go to Start >> Run >> Type "cmd" )
4) Drag this file ( Messenger.bat ) Command Prompt and then press Enter
5) Now type the IP Address of the Friend and press Enter
6) Now all you need it to type message and then press Enter to send Message

Note :- To chat with friend u have to enable Messanger
Click on Start >> Control Panel >> Administrator Tools >> Services >> Find for " Messanger "  . Open it
Startup Type : Automatic . . Then Click Start . .

Apply and then lastly OK !! 

Enjoy . . . 

There is one more short cut method also but i am not sure tht it will work or not . .but try it .

Go to command Prompt and type   " net send ip-address message "
( without quotes , here ip-address is IP Address of Friend and message is the message you want to send )

Thanks . . 


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