Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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Google launches Google+ . . Biggest Facebook Competitor

You guys must have noticed Black bar appearing on top of  google.comIt was a sign of something about to show itself. Something big. Google+.
Google on Tuesday unveiled Google+, yet another attempt by the search giant to overcome its past miscues in the social networking space.

Google+ features several components that attempt to mimic natural human interaction. For instance, to simulate sitting out on your front porch, one feature allows users to declare that they're "hanging out" and interested in video chatting if a select group of people are around. Another lets users chat with a particular set of people -- say, before they all meet at a concert.
You will get clear idea about Google+ from these videos !! It’s Social, It’s Bold, It’s Fun, And It Looks Good — Now For The Hard Part

A Google project headed by Vic Gundotra and Bradley Horowitz, Google+ is designed to be the social extension of Google.
Its features focus on making online sharing easy for users.

“Circles”, think social circles, akin to Facebook’s groups
“Sandbar”, a user-unifying toolbar
“Sparks”, a search engine for sharing content between users
“Huddle”, a group messaging app that allows users to share with certain “Circles”
“Hangouts”, group video chatting designed to allow up to 10 users video chat at once
Each Google+ user can replace his or her standard Google profile which will stream everything that user has shared as well as the +1 content. The +1 button is similar to a Facebook “like”

Here is the link for Google+ : Google + 
Google have sent invitations to limited users only !! I am lucky enough to get that :)
Let's see whether Google+ is able to defeat Facebook or not :)
Enjoy it :)

Thanks :)


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