Tuesday, November 1, 2011


TRAI allows 200 SMS per day per SIM !

Telecom consumers will now be able to send up to 200 SMSes per day from a SIM, as against the earlier limit of just 100 SMSes per day imposed by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

“The authority has received representations from some of the service providers and consumers to increase the limit of 100 SMS per day per SIM. The authority has considered these representations and decided to increase the limit of 100 SMS per day per SIM to 200 SMSes per day per SIM,” TRAI said in a statement on Tuesday.
To deter unsolicited SMSes by telemarketing companies, TRAI had earlier restricted the number of non-commercial SMSes that can be send from a SIM to 100. There was no restriction on commercial messages sent through telemarketing companies registered with TRAI.
The new cap of 200 SMSes per sim per day will be effective from Tuesday.
Enjoy :)


  1. but airtel is charging Re.1/sms after my 100 messages have finished...what about that??

  2. Ya u r correct !!
    actually they have not updated their servers !!
    It will be implemented soon on every network . .
    Today evening i called them for the same reason :)
