Wednesday, August 22, 2012

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That's How My Neighbor Got Hacked !!

Hello people out there, I will tell you small tale on how my neighbour got hacked, so watch carefully n keep ur eyes on each word as i trace the page with ur anxiety.

It was a bright morning and ultima(for those of u who dont kno thats ur tech-dose author :) has a internet connection that supports wan (i.e u have ur DC++ stuff active on such networks)

gGenerally on this wan-circle u can see ur network neighbourhood (i.e you go to your network and you can see the connected computers on workgroup)

Now ultima was basically was out of his internet plan .

Now he wanted some free usage (better word-hack).... he thought of all the requirements of how he could use sumone's else net for free and he came out with the foll.


Username : i went to the workgroup, saw all the connected computers now i selected one specific user "prakash"
now our n/w ppl get name of format "***_untitled"
so i tried ***_prakash

Password: this part is damn easy the username is same as password

Mac-id : this part is a bit tricky, coz u cannot have a mac-id directly. u need to kno some of the cmd prompt commands like

Now, We have a web-interface for checking the user's status on internet usage. so i went there and manipulated the username and pass... HIT n TRIAL n yess it worked out . I got into the account n then went for his present IP on the network.

Using the cmd command "ping"  i pinged on his IP

Second command :
2.ARP -a

When u type ARP -a you get the list of ip u tried connecting and thier mac-address...BINGO ..done

Now i have all the three things required but how do i use his mac-id ?
there are softwares which can help u to clone ur mac-id , for linux users it is in-built feature so you just need to clone the new mac-id and you are done .. HACKED ..yaay :D


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