Sunday, August 26, 2012

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Open source. . We love it !! What about You ?

Everyone loves open source irrespective of the person being a geek,business person,home user nowadays even the licenced companies want to get open-sourced :P

well all of us know bout open source more or little but what exactly do we mean by the term open source ??
  • In production and development, open source is a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details. (credits :wikipedia)
Not always does wikipedia share information in a way common man can understand :P
All it means is that whatever project has been designed ,u intend to design, or just have an idea of the design, put it live open for everyone to view it ...each n every single detail has to be shared with the world so that people around globe who have interest in your idea or those who are working on same line can make things crisp and efficient by adding their own codes,designs,security and most of the time it so happens that you get the output much impressive,elegant n secure.

open source is like a brotherhood its like i help you but i really dont expect a payback rather i would be happy if you could just fund into my project :P

Hobbyist those who want to play around with the codes, when they want to make some totally new freaking project generally its not possible to do it all on their own , so they try getting info from here n there they assemble it , work on it if that works..fine !! if not then let the world know n u'll get a helping echo on the internet :D

Today companies go for linux OS, well there are multiple reasons like of cost is heaven
3.You almost get all the apps totally free ,and even if u want to get some customized app , the cost is minimal.

My word to you is help the open source comm.keep coding,funding n loving ..!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pratik...its very i understand,what actually open source...
