Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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Facebook Scam : ‘Wired News: iPhone 5 – First Exposure’

Few weeks back it was Bin Laden execution video scam on Facebook and now its "First Exposure: iPhone 5" scam that is going around. Facebook users are fooled into automatically spreading spam by clicking on what looks like a link to a hot topic news titled as "First Exposure: iPhone 5".

The scam starts when you see someone in your social network comment on a link in a post that looks like it leads to a news story about the iPhone 5 at a Web address of "" Clicking on the link takes you to a different Web page, which provides a captcha window where you're asked to verify a word, ostensibly to prove that you are not an automated bot
Social Media like Facebook has made it very easy for such clickjacking attacks as it is very difficult to identify genuine links posted by the friend circle and that by a clickjacking attack. The very important change here is the captcha window which is trying to avoid automated antimalware scan as legitimate sites do not really make you prove that you are a human to read the news articles. 
My recommendation is avoid reading the "First Exposure: iPhone 5" article posted on Facebook.

I thought this scam had died off but, it looks like it’s back in full force. Be on the lookout for it.

Be Alert !

Thanks :) 


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