Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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Google launches Google+ . . Biggest Facebook Competitor

You guys must have noticed Black bar appearing on top of  google.comIt was a sign of something about to show itself. Something big. Google+.
Google on Tuesday unveiled Google+, yet another attempt by the search giant to overcome its past miscues in the social networking space.

Google+ features several components that attempt to mimic natural human interaction. For instance, to simulate sitting out on your front porch, one feature allows users to declare that they're "hanging out" and interested in video chatting if a select group of people are around. Another lets users chat with a particular set of people -- say, before they all meet at a concert.
You will get clear idea about Google+ from these videos !! It’s Social, It’s Bold, It’s Fun, And It Looks Good — Now For The Hard Part

A Google project headed by Vic Gundotra and Bradley Horowitz, Google+ is designed to be the social extension of Google.
Its features focus on making online sharing easy for users.

“Circles”, think social circles, akin to Facebook’s groups
“Sandbar”, a user-unifying toolbar
“Sparks”, a search engine for sharing content between users
“Huddle”, a group messaging app that allows users to share with certain “Circles”
“Hangouts”, group video chatting designed to allow up to 10 users video chat at once
Each Google+ user can replace his or her standard Google profile which will stream everything that user has shared as well as the +1 content. The +1 button is similar to a Facebook “like”

Here is the link for Google+ : Google + 
Google have sent invitations to limited users only !! I am lucky enough to get that :)
Let's see whether Google+ is able to defeat Facebook or not :)
Enjoy it :)

Thanks :)
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Monday, June 27, 2011

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How to delete your Facebook account permanently !

Hi friends !

I got many mails and messages asking that " Hey can you tell me how i can delete my Facebook account permanently ? " . .  So here is the solution for that !

Actually you can either Deactivate ( Temporary Suspend ) or Permanently Delete your  Facebook account . We will see each if them .If you already know how to do it then kindly ignore it :)

How to Deactivate your account :-

1) Log in to your Facebook account
2) Go to Account >> Account Setting >> Last option called as " Deactivate "


3) Fill up the requested information .
4) You are done !!

After deactivating , your account will be suspended temporarily , it will hide your information temporarily. . If you again log in with your username and password then it will get activated  :)

How to Permanently Delete your account :-

1) Log in to your Facebook account
2) Go to link : Delete Facebook Account
3) Say " Delete " and put your password.

4) After that your will get one mail on your email address saying that " Your account will be deleted in next 14 Days "

Make sure that in next 14 days you will not do following things !!
# Don't try to log in to your account
# Don't try Facebook connect on any site or apps
# Don't click on Like or Share on any site
Otherwise they will cancel your deletion request !

5) After 2 weeks your account will be deleted !!

It takes time to Facebook to remove your data from all the servers. Because of that it takes time of 2 weeks !

Thanks :)

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

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Facebook Vs Twitter

Here are a few of the key findings represented in the infographic, which was based on data from a Barracuda Networks survey as well as an analysis from Razorfish and otherdemographic breakdowns from a number of sources (although the data on Twitter in particular is a little old — the service now has 190 million users)

So you decide now !! Facebook or Twitter ? or both ;)

In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to evolve and morph as users find new ways to extract value and either network may or may become a long term winner in the rapidly evolving social networking space. Ultimately, the fact remains to be seen whether either application has a profitable, scalable and sustainable business model or whether the exit strategy is simply to be acquired.

As we learned in the search space, consolidation will eventually prevail. Unless they can find a way to turn all those eyeballs into profits, social networks will lose relevance. It does seem obvious that the venture capitalists are betting they will not only continue to enjoy tremendous growth but will also successfully monetize all that traffic.
But, will either Twitter or Facebook become the next Google or will they fade into the rear view mirror of technological and social evolution? What do you think?
Thanks :)

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Monday, June 20, 2011

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Mark Zuckerberg Says - " Kids Under 13 Should Use Facebook "

Yeahh . thats right :) Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that "Kids Under 13 Should Use Facebook"
He also explained that why they should use Facebook at this age !

Facebook’s current age minimum doesn't appear to be working — 7.5 million kids under 13 are using the site anyway.

So the company’s Chief Executive Officer thinks this rule needs to change at some point . Mark Zuckerberg brought this up during a NewSchools Summit in Burlingame, Calif. earlier in the week.
He explained that Facebook’s age minimum to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. COPPA  doesn’t allow websites that gather data about users to sign on members under the age of 13 . Facebook collects information about its users as part of the sign-up process. But with kids under 13 lying about their age when signing up, they’re supplying the social network with data about themselves anyway.
Zuckerberg telling the summit audience that eventually he’d like to see Facebook lobby for changes in COPPA or otherwise figure out how to let kids under 13 use Facebook more honestly and in compliance with the law:
" Education is clearly the biggest thing that will drive how the economy improves over the long term. We spend a lot of time talking about this… In the future, software and technology will enable people to learn a lot from their fellow students… That will be a fight we take on at some point. My philosophy is that for education you need to start at a really, really young age…. Because of the restrictions we haven’t even begun this learning process… If they’re lifted then we’d start to learn what works. We’d take a lot of precautions to make sure that they [younger kids] are safe…"
How might Facebook best go about enabling kids under 13 to use the social network in an honest and legal way?

Credits : vsocio

Thanks :)

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

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Facts about Facebook !

Hey friends . . Check out facts about Facebook that probably you didn't know !

As here i am not able to show you all facts which are in jpeg form. So i have provided one download link below from where you can download interesting Facebook facts :)

If you are not able to read the contents then please save it and then zoom it ;)

Download Facebook Facts from here : Download Facts 
( The Download file contains 5 jpeg images , no spam , no virus !! :) )

Thanks :)
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

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Google Introduced Voice Search

Yes now it is possible to search any content on Google search engine using your voice !! That means now no need to type the search content by using keyboard !
Requirnments :

1) Latest version of Chrome
2) Microphone installed on your PC/Laptop

First thing keep in mind that the chrome browser which you are using is updated ! One more thing that this service is available on .com only . .  .in , .au , .us will not support this . . Make sure that you are browsing

So the page loads then in the right hand side of the text box there will be one small microphone image . . Just click on it and speak :)

If you need more information then check out the Video :)

Thanks :)
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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Now watch full run movies on Youtube

Hey Friends  . . 

Only 3 things work in India :) Cricket , Movies and Marriage :) 
Well that was one of the dialogue from movie Dil To Baccha he ji :)
Just Youtube have launched new service called "Youtube BoxOffice" using which you will be able to watch full run hindi movies totally free of cost ! You will not have to pay anything for that :) Currently it's showing "Band Baaja Barat "

Some of the features of Youtube BoxOffice are listed below :-

Full length movie
# No subscription or any other charges
# One new Blockbuster movie every month
# 15 sec ad after every 10 minutes
# Full High Definition (Full HD) view option
# Need Browser with Flash Player support
# Watch the movie anywhere , anytime , and any number of times
# Play , Pause or replay as you like
# Along with the movie there will be behind the scenes , Director’s cut , and actors interview videos
Here is the link : Youtube BoxOffice 

Thanks :) 
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Monday, June 13, 2011

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Upload Facebook Status via Calculator !!

Yes !! That's right . . Now you can upload you Facebook status using calculator :)

Just follow the below simple steps to upload Status !

1) Start Calculator
2) Suppose you wants to upload status " Hi "
3) Then convert 'H' and 'I' first into Hex format and then convert from hex in to binary format
4) H :- 1001011101010
     I :- 1011111001110
5) Perform the sequence of operation mention below !

    2344 + 1001011101010 - 1011111001110 + 4432

6) Press equal to button . Now you will get some answer on screen . . Note down that .
7) Finally multiply that answer by 5425
8) Press M- sign 13 times and switch of calculator.
9) Open you Facebook account and check your status :)

Thanks :)

Well ! That was just a prank ;) Sorry if your are angry now :(

It is not possible to upload anything without internet connection !!

Then how to upload such status messages ?

There is one application on Facebook which allow us to upload status message and under the message it uploads " Uploaded via Calculator " so viewer will think that you have uploaded your status using Calculator :) which is not possible :)

Here is the link for Application : Upload via Calculator

( Note that above application will ask you to switch to http mode . . After using application don't forget to switch on https mode )

There of lots of such application available now a days like upload via iPad , Keyboard , Mouse , Printer :)

Here are links for that :-

Use applications and fool your friends

Enjoy :)   
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Friday, June 10, 2011


From 1st August Google Apps will support only Modern Browsers !

Recently Google have announced that from 1st august Google Apps will support only " Modern Browsers" ! 

Which Browsers it will support ?

This implies since Internet Explorer 9 is out in the market; Google will support IE 9 and IE 8 and will stop supporting IE 7. Similarly from August 1st, they will discontinue support for Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 and all their predecessors.  If any user will be using these old browsers, they will face problems using certain features

Reason for not Supporting 

For web applications to spring even farther ahead of traditional software, its teams need to make use of new capabilities available in modern browsers. For example, desktop notifications for Gmail and drag-and-drop file upload in Google Docs require advanced browsers that support HTML5. Older browsers just don’t have the chops to provide you with the same high-quality experience."


If you use Google Calendar, Google Docs or Gmail then you had better keep your browsers up to date ! Update it now !

Thanks :)
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Play Angry Birds online with Google Chrome

Yes now most popular Angry Birds game is available on Google Chrome browser :) You can play it in HD 

Angry Birds is as addictive as any puzzler gets with light-hearted game-play developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile. Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for Apple's iOSin December 2009.Since that time, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple's App Store,which has prompted the company to design versions for other touchscreen-based smartphones, such as those using the Android operating system, among others.

Here is the link for Game : Install Angry Birds 

All you have to do is install the Angry Birds first and then go to your home page in Chrome. It will list as an installed App.

Enjoy the Game . .

Thanks :)
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Saturday, June 4, 2011


Google Vs Facebook - A Battle Of Colossal Proportions

While Facebook may have a fraction of the employees that Google does, the company is gaining increasing attention a potential rival to Google as it’s valuation has skyrocketed beyond $30 billion and it appears to be organizing (and making accessible via search) the semantic web. While there are numerous articles published comparing the two companies, we thought it would be fun to create a graphic depicting the growing tension between the two internet giants.

Source : AllFacebook

Thanks :)
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Friday, June 3, 2011

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Remove Navigation Bar from your Blog !

When you use template provided by Blogger then it contains Navigation Bar which doesn't look Good :)
So here are some simple steps using which you can remove that Navigation Bad :)

1) Sign in to Blogger
2) Go to Design >> Edit Html
3) Then Tick option  " 
]]></b:skin> "  ( without quotes ) in your template 
5) Before this code Just copy paste the Below code !! 

#navbar-iframe {

6) Save your Template 

You are Done :)

Thanks :)
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