Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Google Chromebooks Are Now a Little Cheaper !!

Do you remember the Google Chromebook launched in May 2011 ?
Now you can get that in much cheaper price . . 
Samsung's Wi-Fi Chromebook now comes in black. Oh, hey, Acer's Chromebook is $50 cheaper. Oh, hey, Google made some UI tweaks to the ChromeOS. Cool.

ChromeOS made some design tweaks to the Login and New Tab screens, to go with the recent redesign of the Chrome App Store. All of these news bits may be small, but it's nice to see the nascent platform chugging along at a slow, but steady pace because its a good idea that's a bit ahead of its time

Check out latest features of Chromebook. 
For more Info just check out : Google Chromebook
Thanks :)

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

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Facebook Says Indian Users Not Hit by Hacking Attack

Now we can say that we are kind of safe !! But please be careful while using FB . . Again m repeating that don't visit suspicious links !! Facebook has said that it has stopped most of the spam that has flooded many users. Social-networking sites are popular targets for spammers because people are more likely to trust and share content that comes from people they know. This makes spam, scams and viruses easy to spread.

Internet site Facebook Inc. Thursday said user accounts in India weren't affected by the spam attack which posted pornographic and violent images on the pages of users of the popular social networking website in the U.S. earlier this week.

Denying a recent media report, Facebook said that there have been inaccurate reports of users' accounts being hacked in India.

"This is not true. Protecting the people who use Facebook from spam and malicious content is a top priority for us".

Facebook has 25 million users in India.

Earlier, a report on the Midday tabloid website said accounts of more than 200,000 Facebook users were hacked and weblinks to their morphed pornographic pictures were sent as news feeds to friends and family.
However, Facebook denied this, saying users' photos were not transferred to an unwanted site and that no accounts were compromised.

Facebook's denial comes as the company Tuesday acknowledged a "coordinated spam attack" in the U.S. over the weekend, where some of its users were tricked into pasting and executing "malicious javascript" in their browser URL bar, causing them to share offensive content without knowing it.

"Our efforts have drastically limited the damage caused by this attack, and we are now in the process of investigating to identify those responsible," Facebook said, in a separate response to the attack overseas.
The company has a no-nudity policy and requires that members be at least 13 years old. Users are encouraged to report questionable content via links on Facebook pages. The social network also removes pornography on its own initiative.

"We are always working to improve our systems to isolate and remove material that violates our terms, and take action on those who is responsible for these types of content," the company said Thursday.
The site is facing challenges at a time when it is set to unveil a major redesign of the profile pages of its 800 million users. The redesign, called Timeline, is supposed to allow Facebook users to let the site organize all of their actions chronologically.

Source : Wall Street Journal  

Thanks :)

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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3-Lakh pre-launch booking order for Aakash !!

The world's cheapest tablet, Aakash, costing about Rs 3,000, has received about 3 lakh pre-launch bookings for its commercial version that goes on sale later next month.

A subsidised model of this tablet, made by UK-based Datawind, is already being distributed free in schools and colleges. Aakash's retail bookings exceed India's estimated 250,000 tablet PC market, dominated by Apple, Samsung and Reliance.

Datawind has supplied about 10,000 tablets to the government's National Mission for Education at a price of Rs 2,250. The devices are being used by students from colleges such as the IITs, RECs, BITS Pilani, Teri University and others.

Aakash, in its next version, will be upgraded with a capacitive touch screen and a processor with double the speed. Datawind plans to supply an attachableRs 400 keyboard, turning the device into PC-lookalike at Rs 3,400.

  • Display: 7” colour LCD/TFT
  • Keyboard: Built in
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Hard Drive: 32GB
  • Connectivity: Wifi, USB 2.0 (2), Ethernet port.
  • Operating System: Android
  • Power: 2 watt
  • Processor: Unknown
  • Expandable Memory upto 8GB (SD Card)
  • VGA Port (For connecting to Projector)

  • Open Office
  • SciLab
  • Internet browsing
  • Video web conferencing facility,
  • Multimedia content in a variety of formats (pdf, docx, ods, adp, xls, jpeg, gif,png, bmp, odt, zip, AVCHD, AVI, AC3)
  • Inbuilt PDF reader
  • Internet browsing with flash plug-in, JavaScript.
  • It is enabled with a touch screen.
  • An in-built keyboard is attached with this laptop.
  • The laptop can store the data of up to 2 GB memory. It is a RAM memory.
  • Wifi connectivity and USB port are this laptop’s additional features.
  • 2 watt system is used up by this laptop so that it can even perform in areas where power supply is low.
  • 80% shock resistant
Thanks :)

Source : Indiatimes

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Two lakh Facebook accounts from Bangalore hacked, profile pics put on porn sites !!

Over two lakh city Facebook users woke up to a social media embarrassment yesterday morning as their accounts had been hacked and we blinks to their morphed pornographic pictures sent as feeds to friends and family.

According to global media reports, more than 60 lakh Facebook accounts were hacked since Sunday night. Social networking analysts have claimed that officially more than 2 lakh Bangalore Facebook accounts were hacked.

The cybercrime department has received many calls and complaints regarding the mass hacking. They have started preliminary investigations in a few cases too.

All Porn and gore

A resident of Koramangala logged on to her Facebook account yesterday morning from a cyber cafe, only to get the shock of her life. "My mother, brother and 19 friends of mine had rebuked me after reading my status message.

It had a link to a website, and on clicking I saw my face morphed and pasted onto the body of a porn star. My name and details were also available on the website. I called the police, but they directed me to the cybercrime police station," said Kamini Varma (name changed).

Kamini's last post said that she was quitting the popular social networking site after being embarrassed amongst their friends. There were around 50 other posts on Facebook that stated the users are quitting the social networking site forever after being embarrassed before friends and family.

"The website is no longer safe. My friend had posted a link to a news report claiming to have been published in a popular newspaper on my page on Sunday. Since the title said 'Party till the wee hours' I got excited and clicked on it but nothing appeared. The next day I logged on to find that everything had changed.

My female friends alleged that I had stolen photos from their account and sold it to porn sites. Others had called me a 'porn addict' and many others left abusive messages. I immediately deactivated my account," said Shivam Shah, student (name changed).

Following this huge incident, many social media experts huddled up and debated if this would lead to the eventual downfall of Facebook now.

"Orkut fell in the same fashion. As much as Orkut officials claimed that Facebook had beaten it in popularity, many reports nail the fact that consistent hacking on the social networking site for over six months (before Facebook became popular) had led to its immediate downfall and eventual social death. 

Facebook seems to be headed in the same direction, unless there is some sort of immediate and strict measures taken by Facebook," said Suhas Giri, a city-based popular social media expert.

Meanwhile, Facebook put up a set of guidelines for users who had either been hacked, or heard of such incidents. The official Facebook Security blog post said, "Security and safety are at the core of Facebook. 

We have entire teams dedicated to building tools that give people even more control over their account, and specifically the way they access their information. In fact, many of our most talented engineers are working exclusively on creating a secure environment on Facebook."

Analysts further asserted that in spite of such incidents, users seldom bother taking the security measures seriously, until being personally victimised.

Thousands of users like Kamini and Shivam have decided to shun the habit of talking wall-to- wall and return to the good-old practice of talking to people face-to-face. 

Top 3 spam links that helped hack accounts

'Bangalore police: Party till the wee hours, 11.30 PM ban lifted'. Clicking on this link leads you to a page with a photo of a popular pub in town, with a caption questioning the user 'You really think this could happen?' After clicking on the link, the user's account is hacked and sends out a series of unstoppable torrents of XXX porn to all of the user's friends. Over 12,000 Bangaloreans reportedly fell for this spam.

'Date a stripper in Bangalore'. Clicking on this link automatically transfers all the photos from the user's account and posts them on a porn website. The link to this porn website is then set as the user's FB status message and posted on newsfeeds of all the user's friends. Over 500 Bangaloreans fell for this spam.

Popular Sandalwood actress raped and murdered Social media analysts suspect that this was a prank link created by a small group of users, following the fad of series of spam links posted through the course of the day. The link leads a user to various soft porn videos from South Indian movies, posted on www.youtube.com. Over 2,500 Bangaloreans fell for this spam.

I will suggest you to do following things !! 

1. Remove unwanted and suspicious applications in order to not allow them access to the contents, details and contacts available in your account.
2. Browse only if your URL starts with https
3. Don't click on suspicious links.
4. Change your privacy setting and allow only the people you know to access your content like friends list, photos, videos and info
5. Don't add people you don't know. Even if you add them make sure the person is trustworthy and genuine.
6. Run a thorough virus scan so any Trojan Horse kind of virus which accesses data from your computer, including passwords, will be recognized and removed before they damage your public profile
7. Change your password if you see any suspicious changes in your profile. Changing password makes sure that no one can access your account if in case your login details were saved in any computer you used earlier.
8. Download your Facebook Copy ( Download it Now

Thanks :) 

Special thanks to NDTV for posting this news immediately.
Source : NDTV

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

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Facebook is no more Secure !!

Facebook is no more secure !! Anonymous Hackers are showing their magic :) 
Music,image files are getting downloaded as soon as u click on 'Home' . . Also bad pictures,videos are 
appearing on friends wall & message with your name :) 

Also if your PC automatically restarts while using FB then your browser ll restart automatically and FB login page ll appear . . In such case please don't login to FB . . That 1 is Phishing Page !! in that case restart your PC manually !! So i will just suggest you not to click on any kind of suspicious links and images !! 

Take care . . be safe :)

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

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Convert any Blog to E-book for free !!

Yes it is possible to make e-book of your favorite blog fore free !! So that you can read it when you are offline  :)

Just follow the simple steps :

1. Go to Book Smith 
2. Click on Start Now
3. Enter your blog address and also select platform of your blog that is either Blogger or Wordpress. After that select how many posts you want in your e-book and then click on Get the Posts

4. It may prompt you log in to your Gmail account ! You an also continue with same content but the blog contents will be partial . So i will recommend you to sign in to your Gmail account.
5. After granting access you will be able to select and order your Posts. After selecting click on Continue.
6. You can customize your book by adding Title, Subtitle, Author Name. You can also choose cover for you book. After customizing click on Create My Book

7. It will take some time to create your book.

8. Once it's completed it will be available for you to download for free.You can also buy printed copy of your book.

If you like any blog then you can make its e-book to read it offline . Or you can even make e-book of your own blog too !!

Thanks :)

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Thursday, November 10, 2011


How to post Blank comment or status on Facebook

As you have seen that its is not possible to post blank comment or blank status update by just pressing space bar. So in that case here i am giving you one simple trick using which you can do that ;) This trick will work in chat window's too !
Just follow the simple steps :

1. Log in to your Facebook Account
2. Go to the place where you want to give comment 
3. Press Alt and type 0173
4. Now release the Alt key and press enter 
5. You are done !! 

Thanks :)

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

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Message from Anonymous: Facebook will fall Nov 5, 2011

Hacker group anonymous aims to destroy facebook on 5th Nov that means today !! 

As said By anonymous today facebook will be dosed and will be shuted for some tym lets see whats happens 

It is regarding Facebook’s privacy issues, and they are encouraging people to join the cause and kill facebook for the sake of your own privacy 

Further they have added  "Today, We will be releasing information; starting at 9 am eastern and ending at 9pm eastern. This will be done In solidarity with the world wide Occupy Wall Street movement, Operation 
Bank transfer day, Operation Cash out, and every other Operation that will take place tomorrow"

Check out message from Anonymous 

Lets c what happens !! :)

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Friday, November 4, 2011

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Enjoy Snake game on Youtube !!

Enjoy game of Snake on YouTube for free !! 

Just follow simple steps mentioned below :)

1. Go to youtube

2. Select any video

3. Pause the video at 0:00.

4. Go full screen

5. Press the LEFT arrow key, while also pressing the UP arrow key [So you're pressing them both at the same time]

6.  Let go

7. Then tap both of them at the same time.

8. Enjoy your game of SNAKE ......!!!!!!

Enjoy :)
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Google gives new look to Gmail !!

Today Google unveiled a new look for its free email service. 

The new layout has a revamped "conversation view" to make it easier to keep track of who said what in email trails and improved tools for searching mailboxes, which typically serve as storage bins for users.

Here is how one of the new theme looks like :

Explore the brand new themes and customize the look of Gmail.

Conversations have been redesigned to bring the content of your messages to the forefront, and profile pictures make it easier to see who you’re talking with at a glance.

You can now choose how many messages are on your screen at a time by choosing from three different display densities: Comfortable, Cozy and Compact

And you also have more control over the size of your chat window. Just drag it to the desired size

The new search box makes it easy to customize your search and find exactly what you’re looking for. You can also create a filter right from the same place

You can switch to Gmail's new look by just clicking on " Switch to new look " . Which is situated in upper right corner :)

Credits : Gmail Official Site 

Thanks :)
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


TRAI allows 200 SMS per day per SIM !

Telecom consumers will now be able to send up to 200 SMSes per day from a SIM, as against the earlier limit of just 100 SMSes per day imposed by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

“The authority has received representations from some of the service providers and consumers to increase the limit of 100 SMS per day per SIM. The authority has considered these representations and decided to increase the limit of 100 SMS per day per SIM to 200 SMSes per day per SIM,” TRAI said in a statement on Tuesday.
To deter unsolicited SMSes by telemarketing companies, TRAI had earlier restricted the number of non-commercial SMSes that can be send from a SIM to 100. There was no restriction on commercial messages sent through telemarketing companies registered with TRAI.
The new cap of 200 SMSes per sim per day will be effective from Tuesday.
Enjoy :)
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