Monday, September 24, 2012

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iPhone 5 Hands-on Review

Hey Guy's !! 

Hope all doing well !! Here comes the first Hands-on Review of Apple's iPhone 5. It is reviewed by Mohit, who is very old reader of TechInsect !! He is the First person to take iPhone 5 from Apple Store :)

Here comes the Review 

"....Frankly speaking, whenever I took the previous iPhones in my hand, the first thing that would come into my mind was that its a bit heavy and the screen size is a bit small, compared to its competitors. This is the reason that took me away from being an iPhone user. But, when I came to know that the new iPhone 5 lighter, taller and the thinnest smartphone ever, I had made up my mind to purchase iPhone 5 & I did purchase it on the 1st day of its arrival.

The feel of holding an iPhone 5 in your hands is truly magical. Starting from its sleek design and smooth finishing, its just wow and will tempt you to have it in your hands. The size, resolution, weight is just optimum enough. It doesn't need much of space and when in your pockets, you will hardly feel its presence. The camera is very good and I love the panorama feature. The resolution of the videos and pictures that you click is just perfect. The iOS 6 is indeed very quick and you won't have any delays associated while using the phone. The battery life of a smartphone is an important factor to consider and iPhone 5 has more than enough battery power to last throughout the day — up to 8 hours of browsing on a cellular connection, up to 8 hours of talk time, and up to 10 hours of video playback time. That is more than enough. And the battery life is indicated in terms of percentage on the right top corner. So you can keep a check how your battery drains.  And how can I not mention telling about the maps. The satellite view provided in the maps is just awesome, considering that the wireless connectivity in your area is upto the mark. The new earpods that they have come up with provide a tremendous audio quality.

There are some cons too which you should keep in mind. There are some apps in the iStore whose resolution is as per the previous versions of iPhone and hence do not completely occupy the screen. I guess this isn't a major problem problem and they will come up with the upgraded versions of the apps soon. The Siri feature provided does need internet. So if you face problems while using net in your area, may be you will be against it. You have to pay for some of the apps but considering people from all over the world, they don't mind spending a few bucks on the apps.

Well I am using iPhone in US- where wireless connectivity is at a lightning speed. And I find it a total worth to use it here. iPhone 5 --> The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone."

Thanks for Review Mohit !

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