Sunday, September 9, 2012

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Tips n Tricks n FAQ's

Hey Friends,

This one is for those users who have more that one O.S running on their System.

FAQ: why does my drive say cannot mount after i boot up my second installed O.S ?

Tip: you have 2 O.S installed on your system suppose,
  1. Windows XP Professional
  2. Linux (ubuntu)
Then in this case , if you put  windows xp on hibernate mode then,
after you restart your system on another O.S i.e your Linux (ubuntu) ,you simply won't be able to access your partitioned drives on HD.

Reason : when you put your system on hibernate mode the drives basically get engaged and the resources are required by that O.S to keep that hibernate mode active. so remember either work on a single O.S or do not hibernate if you want to work on both of them :D

Thanks :)


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