Friday, September 28, 2012

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The Benefits of Cloud Storage

As data volumes continue to grow for businesses and individuals alike, cloud storage has emerged as a reliable and convenient alternative to traditional data storage methods. By storing and maintaining files and documents online, users can enjoy increased accessibility and convenience while delegating data maintenance and security responsibilities to a third party.

Cloud Storage Basics     

The concept behind cloud storage is quite simple. Data is stored off-site on a server database that is usually hosted by a third-party. The user connects to this server via a working internet connection and can upload and access data via a web-based interface, internet browser or software application. 
Cloud storage is tremendously scalable. Many people already use a form of cloud storage without realizing it. Many popular photo or music storage sites are forms of cloud storage that can be used for small, individual purposes. Often a storage limit is set and users can pay extra for additional space. Cloud storage is ideal for backing up family photos and videos or personal documents, but it can also be used by businesses and corporations while still offering the same flexibility, accessibility and security.

Advantages for Businesses

Cloud storage can be accessed from many devices and at anytime. Whereas a USB flash drive can't be connected to all phones and tablet devices, cloud storage can enable users to share files between a desktop computer, tablet, phone and even game console. Such cross-compatibility makes cloud storage highly advantageous as it can be used by any device that has a secure Internet connection and a compatible web browser. Businesses can also enjoy the benefit of having an already established sharing and file management platform.
Security is always a pressing concern with data storage and management. The thought of a third party looking after confidential data may be off-putting, but reputable cloud storage companies use the most sophisticated authentication and encryption methods. Privacy rights are in place so that user can only access their own data. Also, every step is taken to prevent loss of data and cloud storage has additional backup capacity. Although security breaches and data loss are possible it can be argued that a third party dedicated to securing and storing data is more prepared and secured than, say, a local database server in a business.
With large volumes of data, database and storage maintenance is critical. As well as physical server support, large databases need to backed up constantly and checked for integrity. Duplication errors, redundancy and data corruption are common occurrences in a poorly maintained database. By using a third party cloud storage company, businesses can be assured that this maintenance will be performed by a dedicated and efficient support team.
Offering convenience, reliability and affordability, the benefits for cloud storage are clear and its popularity over traditional storage methods may continue to increase.

Author Bio:
David Malmborg works with Dell. When David is not working, he enjoys spending time with his family. For more information on cloud services, David recommends visiting

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