Saturday, September 29, 2012


Word to LaTeX Convertor

Hey Guys,

During Engineering life, preparing the Project reports in LaTeX format is the most tedious task !! Here I'm giving you the simple solution for that.

After searching for various converters, finally I found the Best tool to convert Word document to LaTeX format. Use Word-to-LaTeX tool to convert any Microsoft Word document to LaTeX, TeX, or clean XML. The software is fast, accurate, and highly configurable. Word-to-LaTeX runs on MS Windows XP/Vista/7 with MS Office XP/2003/2007/2010 installed. 

Download : Word to LaTeX Convertor


Share this tool among your Friends and get rid of tedious LaTeX formatting :)

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Friday, September 28, 2012

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The Benefits of Cloud Storage

As data volumes continue to grow for businesses and individuals alike, cloud storage has emerged as a reliable and convenient alternative to traditional data storage methods. By storing and maintaining files and documents online, users can enjoy increased accessibility and convenience while delegating data maintenance and security responsibilities to a third party.

Cloud Storage Basics     

The concept behind cloud storage is quite simple. Data is stored off-site on a server database that is usually hosted by a third-party. The user connects to this server via a working internet connection and can upload and access data via a web-based interface, internet browser or software application. 
Cloud storage is tremendously scalable. Many people already use a form of cloud storage without realizing it. Many popular photo or music storage sites are forms of cloud storage that can be used for small, individual purposes. Often a storage limit is set and users can pay extra for additional space. Cloud storage is ideal for backing up family photos and videos or personal documents, but it can also be used by businesses and corporations while still offering the same flexibility, accessibility and security.

Advantages for Businesses

Cloud storage can be accessed from many devices and at anytime. Whereas a USB flash drive can't be connected to all phones and tablet devices, cloud storage can enable users to share files between a desktop computer, tablet, phone and even game console. Such cross-compatibility makes cloud storage highly advantageous as it can be used by any device that has a secure Internet connection and a compatible web browser. Businesses can also enjoy the benefit of having an already established sharing and file management platform.
Security is always a pressing concern with data storage and management. The thought of a third party looking after confidential data may be off-putting, but reputable cloud storage companies use the most sophisticated authentication and encryption methods. Privacy rights are in place so that user can only access their own data. Also, every step is taken to prevent loss of data and cloud storage has additional backup capacity. Although security breaches and data loss are possible it can be argued that a third party dedicated to securing and storing data is more prepared and secured than, say, a local database server in a business.
With large volumes of data, database and storage maintenance is critical. As well as physical server support, large databases need to backed up constantly and checked for integrity. Duplication errors, redundancy and data corruption are common occurrences in a poorly maintained database. By using a third party cloud storage company, businesses can be assured that this maintenance will be performed by a dedicated and efficient support team.
Offering convenience, reliability and affordability, the benefits for cloud storage are clear and its popularity over traditional storage methods may continue to increase.

Author Bio:
David Malmborg works with Dell. When David is not working, he enjoys spending time with his family. For more information on cloud services, David recommends visiting

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Monday, September 24, 2012

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iPhone 5 Hands-on Review

Hey Guy's !! 

Hope all doing well !! Here comes the first Hands-on Review of Apple's iPhone 5. It is reviewed by Mohit, who is very old reader of TechInsect !! He is the First person to take iPhone 5 from Apple Store :)

Here comes the Review 

"....Frankly speaking, whenever I took the previous iPhones in my hand, the first thing that would come into my mind was that its a bit heavy and the screen size is a bit small, compared to its competitors. This is the reason that took me away from being an iPhone user. But, when I came to know that the new iPhone 5 lighter, taller and the thinnest smartphone ever, I had made up my mind to purchase iPhone 5 & I did purchase it on the 1st day of its arrival.

The feel of holding an iPhone 5 in your hands is truly magical. Starting from its sleek design and smooth finishing, its just wow and will tempt you to have it in your hands. The size, resolution, weight is just optimum enough. It doesn't need much of space and when in your pockets, you will hardly feel its presence. The camera is very good and I love the panorama feature. The resolution of the videos and pictures that you click is just perfect. The iOS 6 is indeed very quick and you won't have any delays associated while using the phone. The battery life of a smartphone is an important factor to consider and iPhone 5 has more than enough battery power to last throughout the day — up to 8 hours of browsing on a cellular connection, up to 8 hours of talk time, and up to 10 hours of video playback time. That is more than enough. And the battery life is indicated in terms of percentage on the right top corner. So you can keep a check how your battery drains.  And how can I not mention telling about the maps. The satellite view provided in the maps is just awesome, considering that the wireless connectivity in your area is upto the mark. The new earpods that they have come up with provide a tremendous audio quality.

There are some cons too which you should keep in mind. There are some apps in the iStore whose resolution is as per the previous versions of iPhone and hence do not completely occupy the screen. I guess this isn't a major problem problem and they will come up with the upgraded versions of the apps soon. The Siri feature provided does need internet. So if you face problems while using net in your area, may be you will be against it. You have to pay for some of the apps but considering people from all over the world, they don't mind spending a few bucks on the apps.

Well I am using iPhone in US- where wireless connectivity is at a lightning speed. And I find it a total worth to use it here. iPhone 5 --> The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone."

Thanks for Review Mohit !

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

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Online File Converter

Hey Friends !

Today I will show you one Awesome website to convert your files online within a moment ! Here you can convert many types of files.

We will see example of converting Image file to PDF format. Here I will show you how to convert Image into PDF format ! After going through lots of methods here i came with the Simplest one . . Most of the time you will need to upload PDF documents in the Entrance Examination forms like GATE Exam 2013.

Here is the Online tool to Convert your Image File to PDF Format.
Steps to Follow :

1. Go to Online Converter
2. There are various formats available. You can select the output method (here it's pdf)
3. Selct your File
4. Say Convert File . .  You are Done !!!


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

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Find your IP Address Very Easily

Now Google came with the new feature for finding IP. Now there is no need to go to custom sites like or to find your IP Address.

Now Just go to Google and in search box type " what is my ip " . Google will immediately show your IP address.

When you type the query what is my ip ], Google will respond by showing you the IP address of the computer from which the query was received. In the simplest case, this IP address uniquely identifies your computer among all computers on the Internet. There are, however, several network configurations that may cause Google to receive an IP address that differs from the one assigned to your computer. For example, if you have a home network or a corporate network, devices are usually assigned "internal" IP addresses by a Network Address Translator (NAT) located within your router or modem. The NAT hides the internal IP addresses from websites, making the entire home network appear to outside computers to have a single, "external" IP address. In this case, we will show you the external IP address assigned to your home. Other network configurations, such as proxies, can also cause the IP address received by Google to differ from the actual IP address of your computer.

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IT Services You Should Be Utilizing

Technology offers businesses streamlined processes and lower expenses, without sacrificing on productivity. In fact, effective technological integration improves productivity many times over. Currently, IT services offer a range of business to business solutions that help get the most out of every employee and give every business the ability to work like a Fortune 500 company. Cloud computing and virtualization top the list for most helpful technology solutions. 

What Is the Cloud ?

The cloud offers off-site storage and mobile access to stored information. This functionality lets businesses buy different types of licenses for software, makes project management a breeze and ensures all employees have access to needed files from anywhere, at any time. The flexibility offered by cloud services allows businesses to do more with fewer employees. Now, a business with effective cloud usage can use their entire sales force to generate leads and close the deal. There is no delay between lead generation and final sale, making customers happier and conversion numbers higher.

What Is Virtualization ?

Imagine being able to operate multiple employees from the same desk. Bringing in additional workers to handle a seasonal overflow often comes hand-in-hand with trying to find enough work space. Each terminal has a unique set-up, allowing the specific employee access to the programs they need, with security protocols in place to deny access to need-to-know information. Virtualization allows your network administrator to use login access to manage each employee. Essentially, the desktop and all available programs remain stored on off-site servers, with each employee logging in to the remote desktop. This way, any employee can work from any station with total access to information and programs they need. The flexibility offered by virtualization allows businesses to operate with minimal space, lowering overhead costs.

Adding IT Services to Meet Industry Best Practices

Growth and changes in organizational best practices make it more important for businesses to add new technology than ever. Lean Six Sigma, a highly efficient management philosophy used by some of the largest corporations in the world, calls for a very focused approach to task completion. This approach is designed to eliminate waste in all areas.

IT services help with that process by eliminating wasted space and minimizing technology costs. Businesses the use stations combined with cloud computing and desktop virtualization cut down on their technology expenses. Not only do they not need a fully staffed technology department but equipment costs also decrease. Instead of upgrading equipment every three years, businesses only need regular software upgrades. To learn more about IT services to utilize and save time and money visit the Dell site here.

Software as a Service Is the Future of Office Operations

Adding new technologies to daily office procedures gives businesses the flexibility and capacity to keep up with the largest corporations. Technology bridges the gap between small business capacity and large corporations. Small businesses can offer the same level of service, along with a personal connection, when using technology that allows mobile access. Flexibility in the marketplace is an important factor in staying at the top of your industry. Add IT services to let your business flourish in an ever changing market.

Author Bio

David Malmborg works with Dell. When he isn’t working he enjoys hiking, spending time with family and researching new technology. He is currently learning more about cloud computing and recommends visiting for more information.  
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

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Tips n Tricks n FAQ's

Hey Friends,

This one is for those users who have more that one O.S running on their System.

FAQ: why does my drive say cannot mount after i boot up my second installed O.S ?

Tip: you have 2 O.S installed on your system suppose,
  1. Windows XP Professional
  2. Linux (ubuntu)
Then in this case , if you put  windows xp on hibernate mode then,
after you restart your system on another O.S i.e your Linux (ubuntu) ,you simply won't be able to access your partitioned drives on HD.

Reason : when you put your system on hibernate mode the drives basically get engaged and the resources are required by that O.S to keep that hibernate mode active. so remember either work on a single O.S or do not hibernate if you want to work on both of them :D

Thanks :)
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

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How Web Browser's Work ?

Hey Friends !!

Many of you must be from not from non-technical background !! You should know how actually the Web-Browsers Work !!! Here it is explained in simple Image :)

Thanks :)

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Friday, September 7, 2012

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First look of Nokia Lumia 820

Hey Friends !

Have a Look at awesome launch by Nokia . . That is Nokia Lumia 820 !!

I loved the Wireless charging feature of Lumia 820. It's Just Awesome !!!

For Specification Check Out : Specification of Nokia Lumia 820 Thanks :)
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Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Best Offline Image Optimizer !!

Being a Web Developer I always need a Good Image Optimizer !! And after trying all the tools i finally came up with the Best Tool !!! 

It's nothing but the RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool) . You can Use this too to optimize the single images or the many images at a time (Batch). You can also set various properties also it let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize. 

I will recommend this tool for Image optimization !!

The image optimizer is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users.
You will be able to control compression, number of colors, metadata settings and much more, and select image format (JPEG, GIF or PNG) for your output file.

Main features

  • open many image types including rare/scientific types
  • save and optimize JPEG, GIF and PNG with a simple, clean user interface
  • works in dual view: (original – optimized image) or single view (optimized image).
    Automatic preview of resulting image
  • in-place compare function (alternativelly display the original image over the optimized image to notice small pixel changes)
  • compress files to desired filesize threshold
  • fast processing (all is done in memory);
    see instant results including resulting filesize
  • batch support (process multiple files at once)
  • transparency handling options
  • decide if you want to keep metadata (comments, IPTC, Adobe XMP, EXIF profiles, ICC profiles).
    Unsupported metadata is removed
  • transfer metadata between image formats (destination format must support them)
  • common tools: pan and zoom, rotate, flip
  • basic image adjustments: brightness, contrast, gamma, invert
  • visually reduce number of unique colors for PNG and GIF images in order to reduce filesize
    (two quantization methods are available: Xiaolin Wu and NeuQuant neural net)
  • resize image by using well known resample filters (ex: Lanczos3, Catmull Rom, Bicubic, and others)
  • out-of-the-box support for external PNG optimizers (optipng, pngout, etc)
  • the compression and the results are comparable to those of commercial products, even higher.
  • Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping algorithm (Drago) used for HDR images
Download Link : Download RIOT

Thanks :)
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Facebook Fake Profiles ~ Girls Be aware !!!

This is my Today's Research on Fake Profiles . . Today I found that the Same photo is being use on 350+ Facebook Profiles !!! Here is the small Collage of it. And along with that I am including some of the links below so that you can cross check :) Girls please take care of your Account :) Share if you Really care about someone !!

Girls please stop using your Own pictures on Social Networking Websites :) Even if you are using then change it's visibility to limited friends or Only Friends !! In case of Profile pictures & Cover Pictures I will suggest not to use your Own Picture :)

Share if you Really care about your Friends !! 

You can Use my Facebook Link to Share : Facebook Link


There are more then 350 profiles with same Profile Picture :(

Thanks :)
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